VSATA VSAT, or Very Small Aperture Terminal, is a satellite data and communication option that allows more than one remote user to have access via a central hub. It’s one of several business satellite internet solutions best suited for rural or remote telephone and internet use, disaster emergency backup, or for use anywhere that other terrestrial or wireless options can’t reach. It costs less than BGAN to operate, and coverage extends throughout the world, including the North Pacific and much of Africa.

If your business requires you to work in remote areas without wireless or terrestrial communication and data options, VSAT may be the right solution for you. VSAT airtime service allows for both continual or occasional usage plans, depending on your particular needs. The network is proactively monitored to guarantee connectivity and allows for both downstream and upstream bandwidth so you’re never out of touch. From voice to video, these satellite internet solutions have got you covered. Whether you’re in construction or forestry, you’ll find an option that works for you. Here at Remote Satellite Systems International, we offer both VSAT Ku-band and Ka-band compatible products. The difference in the two is in the spectrum used by its respective satellites, and our experienced team is here to talk you through the benefits of both and match you with the best fit.

Talk To A VSAT Specialist Today

For more than 15 years, RSSI has provided reliable satellite communication and data service to individuals, businesses, and governments across the globe. Contact us today at 1-888-989-8199 so we can help you find the solution that will work for you, whether you need reliable maritime communication or a satphone for traveling.
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