Traditional terrestrial radio used to be the standard in communication. With radio, analog voice is broadcast over the radio waves, and anyone with an antenna can tune in; one broadcast to many listeners. With advancements in technology, there are now more ways to communicate than ever before. However, until more recently, interconnectivity between traditional terrestrial radio and satellite networks hasn’t been possible. To solve this, SATRAD developed a device that blends these two technologies for greater communication capability.
Back-Up Communications Where Ever You Need Them
SATRAD’s Matrix devices are an ideal bridge between Iridium push-to-talk (PTT) and MSAT satellite networks and traditional Land Mobile Radios (LMR), making them an excellent option for public safety, law enforcement, and security. Matrix takes traditional dispatch radio communication and allows these broadcasts to be used on the MSAT or Iridium network—giving you the ability to communicate from anywhere on the globe.
The SATRAD Matrix iSeries (Iridium) and mSeries (MSAT) are reliable, compact, and easily integrated with dispatch or traditional terrestrial radio for consistent coverage, regardless of weather conditions, natural disasters, or other events that can normally disrupt terrestrial infrastructure. If the radio network becomes inoperable or the mobile radio isn’t within range of the repeater tower, radio traffic is automatically routed to the satellite network. Once radio connectivity is restored, traffic is re-routed back to the terrestrial radio network. The Matrix monitors the terrestrial connection in a configurable time interval to ensure stability and prevent unnecessary switching between networks.
Matrix mSeries and iSeries Features
The Matrix mSeries is designed to function on the older, more traditional MSAT PTT network. Beyond compatibility with satellite and terrestrial radio networks, it can also be integrated with NI-Track for asset management and GPS tracking. Intended for in-vehicle integration, the small size of the mSeries makes it extremely portable and quick to deploy—perfect for emergency responders’ go-kits. Paired with the MSAT G2 and G2 flyaway kit, the Matrix mSeries provides seamless broadcasts and circuit-switched voice and data. In addition to on-the-go connectivity, the mSeries can also be used inside buildings and other infrastructure.
Like the mSeries, the iSeries offers reliable communication and is easily integrated with dispatch and other terrestrial radio networks. A particularly cost-effective solution for applications in large geographic areas with a limited number of users, the iSeries also features SmartMessageSM technology to ensure messages can be delivered even when there’s a temporary disruption in connectivity. The Iridium PTT network supports two PTT terminals, the IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT and the 9575 ExtremePTT—the first time PTT capability has been available in such a small handheld device.
Both SATRAD Matrix devices offer a compact, easy-to-use PTT system that allows users to move freely and increase their communication capability through blended services that cover vast areas you couldn’t get with normal radio communications.
Stay Connected with Remote Satellite Systems
Whether lives are at risk or you’re stationed in a remote location, reliable communication is essential. With Matrix’s ability to quickly shift between available radio and satellite networks, there’s no risk of being cut off from receiving critical transmissions from your team. To learn more about SATRAD’s Matrix, contact Remote Satellite Systems today at 1-888- 989-8199 or send us a message through our online form.