Does my business need an emergency plan?

Emergency PlanWe have all seen the seemingly endless tide of natural disasters around the United States. With wildfires, mudslides, hurricanes, flooding, and other natural disasters it’s important to have a business plan in place for your business.

Remote Satellite Systems has assisted emergency responders establish satellite communications in rural areas, where the difference between clear communication and trying to find a signal could mean a delay to relief efforts and lives lost. We have also outfitted public agencies with satellite communications equipment that are vital in times of natural disaster, when telephone poles and other ground support may be knocked down and unable to provide cellular and landline support.

Everyone Needs an Emergency Plan

Emergency plans and satellite communications are not just for public agencies. It makes sense for every business to plan for man-made and natural disasters. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to prepare so that if there is an emergency, you have a plan in place to assess the situation, use available resources to take care of yourself, your employees, and your business’s recovery. Talk with your employees about an evacuation plan, a shelter in place plan (if possible), and discuss any employee disabilities that will need to be addressed in an emergency (for example, assigning someone to make sure a deaf coworker leaves the building if a fire alarm sounds). By coordinating with your employees, readying a plan, and reviewing your emergency plan annually, you will be more prepared should a disaster occur.

Part of being prepared is having the proper equipment to stay informed and reach out. There are a variety of satellite communications solutions that would be helpful in an emergency, from the lightweight and portable Iridium 9575 Extreme Push-to-Talk to the Ultimate Wireless Survival Kit. Depending on where your business is located and the particular needs of your company, Remote Satellite Systems can outfit you with a personalized solution in case of an emergency. Contact us today to discuss your emergency plan.

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