Sat Phone Email

Sat Phone Email

Although you can use your sat phone for email on the Iridium network, it typically requires multiple programs and time-consuming set-up—in short, Iridium offers email capability, but it’s a hassle. On top of that, satellite phones come with other hurdles: difficulty connecting to other devices, slow data transfer speeds, long wait times, and expensive airtime bills.  

However, did you know there’s a dedicated email client app for your smart device that can help solve these issues?

XGate Satellite Phone Email 

XGate is one of the fastest, easiest ways to use your satellite phone for email, and it’s free. Licensed by Iridium, XGate works on virtually any Iridium device, giving you all the benefits of a full-featured email service. Once you have XGate up and running on your sat phone and mobile device, you can read and write emails offline, then press a button to send your message; simply hang up once you’re done. If the call drops for some reason, XGate can redial and restart where it left off. 


Explorer Talking On Satellite Phone

You can use a dedicated XGate email address, or an external email address and client (like Gmail). You have the option of changing the send and receive email address to whatever you would like displayed. If someone sends you a large file, you can either download it over your satellite connection or wait until you have access to wireless. There are also many other convenient features included, such as virus scanning, spam filters, social media, and weather forecasts. In addition, XGate supports more than 22 languages. 

It’s important to note that forwarding external terrestrial-based emails to XGate isn’t recommended; the speeds are still too slow, and it could end up breaking the system. 

Iridium Go is the Ideal Choice for Sat Phone Text Messaging and Email

If you tend to be text-centric, Iridium Go is the best device to use, as it has native text messaging capability built into its app. To utilize email, you’ll need to run XGate on your mobile device, as well as your sat phone. 

If you have a different handheld sat phone and would like to use XGate for email, you’ll need to use a RedPort optimizer. This device allows the Iridium 9555, Iridium Extreme, and Iridium Certus to connect to your devices to take advantage of email access. 

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