Expand your satellite voice capability with the Vocality voice Gateway. Vocality has been developing FXS and FXO Gateways for satellite networks for many years and has perfected voice quality and the user experience.
Remote Satellite Systems is able to offer customers a variety of networks and hardware depending on their needs. Requirements are going to be different for a nautical voyage to open sea versus disaster relief in war-torn areas. We’ve talked a lot about the Iridium LEO network and the fantastic Wi-Fi hotspot and PTT options available. Another product that RSS is particularly excited about is Vocality BASICS Voice Gateway.
There are three main advantages of the Vocality Voice Gateway: straightforward design, compact size, and voice capabilities. The BASICS series is aptly named for their total ease of use. All of the BASICs family of products comes ready to use our of the box and our satellite communications experts are always on hand to help with any technological issues you may have. In addition to the simple to use interface, the FXS (telephone handsets) and FXO (telephone exchanges) provide the lowest size and weight, so you can carry them with you wherever you go. We know space can be a premium in a tightly packed piece of luggage, which is why we recommend the Vocality Voice Gateway. Lastly, the device has low bandwidth requirements to hook up phones to an IP network, making it easier for you to connect.
In this post we highlighted the BASICS Voice Gateway, which has top voice quality and an intuitive user experience, but there are many other products in the BASICS series. We also can help you with the BASIC IP Router, Radio Relay, Hybrid, and Multivoice. These products are ideal if you are in a remote location where minimal equipment size and the number of physical sockets in a device are crucial. The BASICS offer connectivity options that enable you, wherever you are, to create a single unified network regardless of remote device technology. If you’re interested in learning about this family of products, which offers numerous connectivity options, consult your local experts at Remote Satellite Systems.